

Femininity is power.

But some have twisted it to oppress women. When I say some, I mean most of society in almost every culture on the planet. 

That’s how powerful it is. That if we’re not careful with it, if we don’t know how to use it, it can be used as a weapon against us. 

Allah (SWT) created both masculine and feminine energies. These are in perfect harmony with each other, a balance that allows us to thrive. But there is more profit in imbalance. 

There’s more money in divorce, in the rat race to have the most and look the best, in seeking out solutions to “fix” us when we finally realize something is wrong. 

We are being taught that our true purpose is lying outside of ourselves and our deen. We are being taught to accept our flaws without being shown how to transform them into strengths. We are being taught to fight our nature so that we are constantly questioning who we are and what we’re supposed to do. 

And all of this has created a world full of unhappy, unfulfilled people. Things that were once beautiful are now seen as ugly and a burden. Things have fallen drastically out of balance. So how do we return back to that harmony?

We can only start with ourselves, one action at a time. As women, we must embrace our femininity and use it for good. The traits that we’ve tried to distance ourselves from because the world has told us they would never allow us to be successful-these are the traits we need to take back. These traits are unique to us, they give us our power! They have been bestowed upon us by Allah (SWT) as a gift to make this world a better place. 

Femininity= gentle, patient, nurturing, empathetic, beautiful, creative, supportive, detailed, healing, calm, compassionate, collaborative, receptive, intuitive, uniting…

In Islam, the feminine is treasured so much so that it is veiled from everyone except those worthy of being graced by it. Women are given rights, encouraged towards education and contribution, their natural role as daughters/sisters/wives/mothers given the recognition and status it deserves. 

“The women are not a garment you wear and undress however you like. They are honoured and have their rights.” – Umar ibn Al-Khattab R.A.

There is so much about being feminine that I want to revisit and relearn. I want to start here. See where it takes me.
